
Saturday, December 26, 2015


Inspired by my sister's dog Twilight (on the right).


IN AN EMPTY UNIVERSE, A ROCK IS GOD. The irony is that it neither knows that nor cares. It feels nothing, sees nothing, senses nothing. It neither knows nor cares that it is alone.  It can do nothing to change its condition.  It does not know how to. It has no intention or need to do so. It just is. 

If an external force comes into existence, however, the rock is no longer God. It has been joined by another God rock. The first rock does not control everything. Something else has become God. Perhaps they are just demigods now. They neither know nor care. Something has created a Cosmic Pool Table.  

The rocks may never meet, in which case the rocks have not changed their minds at all.  

Yet when they meet, a new awakening begins.  

The rocks, forced to react, obey.  Never knowing discomfiture, they move away from the point of impact. They do not understand how they knew to do that, only that that is what is to be done. They do not know that they did not create the disturbance, nor the cause of it. They neither know nor care that they are no longer God. They cannot sense that they are moving as there is no other force acting on them, so again it seems to each that it is God, neither knowing nor caring.

Until the next impact.

Anon, other such events occur with more frequency. Some harsh, some soft.  

The rocks are no longer alone. The impacts become commonplace. The rocks should expect it by now, but they neither know nor care.

Many more rocks begin to gather, neither knowing how nor why. The impacts become mere touches, and soon there is no more separation between them. The rocks have become a massive crowd. They are together, as one big rock. THEY ARE GOD.

But they neither know nor care.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


I looked at the world today
and saw madness and confusion, wars and pestilence. 
It was all out of control.
I felt helplessness and despair.
It was so overwhelming.

I asked for deliverance.

A spaceship landed nearby and strange aliens
appeared before my eyes.
They said "Hop in, let's take a ride".
They wisked me away and we flew hither and yon
throughout the galaxy. 

The ride was fun for a while,
but then it became just a ride.
They saw my forlorn look and asked,
"Where would you like to go?"

I said I wanted to go
somewhere where I am important, needed.
Somewhere where I can make a difference.
Somewhere where I can offer an uplifting hand.
Somewhere where I can spread love and peace,
and to serve others, where I will be appreciated.

So they brought me home.